This Saturday's clean-up was a bit of a departure for us in that it wasn't directly on the Thames, but as we recently learned, being on the watershed, it's basically the same thing - consider that the next time you see a cigarette butt in a gutter - when the rain comes, that butt will end up in the river.
We cleaned up garbage from the edge of the parking lot near Dingman Creek beside the 401 at Wellington Road. It was AMAZING. Imagine, if you will, a nice stretch of well mown grass and beyond, a lush swamp where birds sang, crickets scratched and frogs croaked. Sounds great, until you step just past that cut grass and find the garbage.
We found three tires, two tv cathode ray tubes, remnants of three other tv's, vacuum cleaners, refigerator parts, and a number of bags of home renovation waste. There's a place for all that stuff; in the garbage or recycling depot. Sometimes it costs to dump that stuff at a depot, but either pay now or pay later. It's easier and cleaner to do so now. Did I mention the bags of garbage?! At least 20 bags full of trash.