Questions and Answers
How do I volunteer?
Simply show up on the day of our clean-up. The times and locations can be found here or at our Facebook page.
You can email us to let us know you will be coming. If you send us your email address, we will notify you of upcoming clean-ups.
What should I wear and what should I bring to a clean-up?
We recommend wearing weather appropriate clothing, sturdy boots or hiking shoes. We have encountered Stinging Nettles and Poison Ivy, so long pants and a long sleeve shirt or a jacket is a good idea.
We also suggest you bring a bottle drinking water.
We provide gloves and bags and also have some garbage grabbers.
Do you take requests?
Yes! If you see an area of the Thames river that needs a clean-up, please bring it to our attention.
How long is a clean-up?
Some clean-ups take longer, some go faster but three hours is a good amount of time to budget for a clean-up. Having said that, stay and help for as long (or short) a time as you can. Many hands make light work.
Are children welcome?
Yes, one of our most faithful volunteers is a four-year old. However because we are often working near fast flowing water and sometimes cleaning up broken glass, hypodermic needles and related items, younger children need constant supervision. At every clean-up site we will indicate areas better suited to families with children.
Do you take donations of money and/or materials?
Any and all donations are greatfully appreciated. Please contact us through email (