
ARR's Cleanup - Westminster Ponds - Sunday, May 29, 2-4 pm

 Hello ARR Friends,

Our May 29th cleanup is in partnership with ReForest London's Signal Boost program. The Boost program is under the umbrella of the new Westminster Pond Centre that, when completed, will become a hub/centre for environmental groups in the city (it will be housed in a new refurbished Western Counties building out at the ponds). https://westminsterpondscentre.ca/

So ARR is getting a boost! Reforest Staff and I have met to plot out a big cleanup that will take place at Westminster Ponds. 

We'd like you to register because there will be two meeting and cleanup locations and we want to divide volunteers evenly between those spots.

Please register for this cleanup at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/spring-into-action-community-cleaning-project-registration-335395576197

See you at the river!