
2017 Season Wrap

A HUGE thanks as usual to all the great volunteers who worked so hard to make the river a cleaner, more beautiful place to be for humans, plants, animals, fish and reptiles, insects and invertebrates living in and out of the waterways.

The river is a beautiful, lively space for us all to share, to delight in, where we can connect with nature, quietly sit near and appreciate life, our world and be grateful for all we have.  Thank you for all your work.

We look forward to seeing you in the spring for the Thames River Cleanup.
Our next clean-up will be on Saturday, November 25th9:30 am to noon along the bike path from the Adelaide Street bridge to Eggerton

We'll meet up at the parking lot at 30 Adelaide Street North.  


Due to the weather and the fact that snow will likely cover the garbage we'd hoped to cleanup, we've decided to CANCEL tomorrow's (Saturday, November 11th) cleanup.

We have tentatively planned to do one more cleanup on November 25th before winter descends entirely.  We encourage you to watch this site and our Facebook page for more information regarding future cleanups.