
In Your Neighbourhood

Thames River Rally was delighted to be invited to clean up an area along the river near where some great community-minded, nature lovin' people (not all the volunteers are shown here) live and regularly walk.   We cleaned up the area from Chealsea Green Park (Adelaide Street bridge) all the way to Watson Street Park (Wellington Street bridge).

We carted away about fifteen bags of garbage!  What a haul, and what a surprising number of plastic bottles.  Go figure.  One of our intrepid volunteers even found some inspiration in the form of a piece of torn cross steel plate for an art project!  Nice!

Sure it was drizzly and misty rain at times, but that didn't dampen our spirits nor enthusiasm.  But herein lies a a couple messages; If you know about area of the river that needs a cleanup, tell us about it (mail@thamesriverrally.ca) and the other thing?  Sunny or wet, there's garbage to get!