
ARR Season Kick-off - Cleanup at Ann Street Park

Hello Antler River Rally Volunteer!

Our clean-up season kicks off on Sunday, April 23rd, 9:30 am to noon as part of the Annual Thames River Cleanup.

Our "Staging Area" will be Ann Street Park and will have groups clean the bike paths to the north and south.

We'll provide garbage bags and gloves (we also have a few garbage grabbers). Apart from weather appropriate clothing we recommend you wear long pants, sturdy boots or hiking shoes and bring a bottle of drinking water.

Families are welcome, however parents must be responsible for their children at all times.  

See you at the river!

April and May Cleanup List

Spring has arrived and with it, our cleanup events have blossomed!

Aprill 22nd is Earth Day and we encourage all our volunteers to join the annual Thames River Clean up. Location and contacts can be found on this website: https://www.thamesrivercleanup.ca/contacts.htm

On April 23rd Antler River Rally will be holding a cleanup (as part of the Thames River Cleanup) at Ann Street Park starting at 9:30 am. 

On May 20th we have a cleanup with Ward 3 Councillor Peter Cuddy. 10:00-12:00 followed by a bbq. Location: Killaly ESA (exact meeting location TBD).

On May 27th in partnership with Thames Talbot Land Trust and Urban Roots we'll do a river cleanup and invasive garlic mustard pull. 10:00-12:00 Meeting spot: North side of Meadowlily bridge at TVP. More details will be provided closer to the date.