
November 20th Cleanup - Westminster Ponds

Our next (and final cleanup for the season) will be on November 20th, 9:30 am to 12:00 noon at Westminster Ponds.

We will meet at 9:30 am at the ReForest London Building at 944 Western Counties Road in London.

Contact Us - ReForest London

Because of COVID restrictions, we recommend you review our Covid19 protocols. 

See you at the river!

ARR October Cleanup - Ann Street Community Garden

Hello Antler River Rally Volunteer!

Our next clean-up will be on Saturday, October 16th, 9:30 am to noon.
Our "Staging Area" will be the Ann Street Community Garden. We'll clean the park and the bike paths to the north and south.

Because of the ongoing risk of Covid19, please review our PROTOCOLS.

See you at the river!