
2019 Cleanup Season Wrap

A HUGE thanks as usual to all the great volunteers who worked so hard to make the river a cleaner, more beautiful place to be for humans, plants, animals, fish and reptiles, insects and invertebrates living in and out of the waterways.

The river is a beautiful, lively space for us all to share, to delight in, where we can connect with nature, quietly sit near and appreciate life, our world and be grateful for all we have.  Thank you for all your work.

We look forward to seeing you in the spring for Annual Thames River Clean Up on in late April, 2020!

November Cleanup

Our next cleanup will be on Saturday, November 23rd, 9:30 am to noon.

We'll meet at Grandpa's and Grama's (Blue) Chipwagon at 12-26 Adelaide Street North and will clean up the area near the bike path from Adelaide to Eggerton.

October Cleanup

Our next cleanup will be on Saturday, October 26th, 9:30 am to noon, at Thames Park. We'll meet up in the parking lot off Ridout Street.

September Cleanup

Our next cleanup will be on Saturday, September 14th, 9:30 am to noon at Richard B. Harrison Park.

Meet up in the parking lot at Brokerlink (69 Wellington Street). We'll clean up the park from Wellington to Richmond.

August Cleanup - Ivey Park

Our next cleanup will be on Saturday, August 17th, 9:30 am to noon, at Ivey Park. 

We'll meet in Ivey Park at the flagpole near the forks. Hope to see you there!

July Cleanup - Carfrae Park

Our next cleanup will be part of the City of Neighbours Day on July 13th, 9:30 am to noon, at Carfrae Park.

We'll meet at the bench in Carfrae Park, on the south side of the river.  We will clean up the Carfrae Park (both sides of the river) and a bit of Richard B. Harrison Park.

We'll provide garbage bags and gloves (we also have a few garbage grabbers). Apart from weather appropriate clothing we recommend you wear long pants, sturdy boots or hiking shoes and bring a bottle of drinking water.

Families are welcome, however parents must be responsible for their children at all times.

See you at the river!

June Cleanup

Our next cleanup will be on June 15th, 9:30 am to noon, at the Fanshawe Conservation Area. 

We'll meet at the visitor parking lot at the Watershed Conservation Center and will clean up several locations in the conservation area.

Volunteers, to gain entrance, please let the gate attendant at the park entrance know you are participating in a cleanup. 

Cleanup at Pottersburg Creek, May 18th, 9:30 am - noon.

Our next clean-up will be on Saturday May 18th, 9:30 am to noon at Pottersburg Creek. We'll meet at the "Staging Area" - in the parking lot at 1551 Dundas Street near First Street - Behind the Rexall. We will clean up the areas marked in pink on the map.

See you at the river!
Hello Thames River Rally Volunteer!

Our cleanup season begins with the Annual Thames River Cleanup (www.thamesrivercleanup.ca) on Saturday April 272019.

Meet us at 9:00 am in the large parking on the South side of Oxford Street just East of the bridge (parking available). We are responsible for collecting trash on both sides of the river South of the bridge at Oxford Street East to Blackfriars' Bridge. 
See you at the river!