
2018 Season Wrap

A HUGE thanks as usual to all the great volunteers who worked so hard to make the river a cleaner, more beautiful place to be for humans, plants, animals, fish and reptiles, insects and invertebrates living in and out of the waterways.

The river is a beautiful, lively space for us all to share, to delight in, where we can connect with nature, quietly sit near and appreciate life, our world and be grateful for all we have.  Thank you for all your work.

We have decided to change the name of our organization from Thames River Rally to Antler River Rally to recognize that before John Graves Simcoe renamed the river the Thames in 1783 it was known as Deshkan Ziibi (Antler River) in Anishnaabemowin. We made this decision in consultation with Indigenous members within our group and from the larger community. We make this change to acknowledge the original and present-day Indigenous water keepers who we walk with and beside in a spirit of respect and love.  

We look forward to seeing you in the spring for the 20th Annual Thames River Clean Up on Saturday April 20th, 2019!